
Please click the [Confirm] button after filling in the mandatory fields in the form below.We will send you a reply to the email address you entered.Please make sure that your email address is correct so that we would be able to send you the reply.Please kindly be noted that we may not be able to answer all your questions on time depending on the content of the inquiry.
*Items are required
  • error error error error error
Company Name
  • error error error error error
  • Example : NOMURA Co.,Ltd.
Mail address
  • error error error error error
  • Example :
Mail address
  • error error error error error
Telephone Number
  • error error error error error
  • Example : +00-000-000-0000
  • Please select the type of inquiries from the below.
  • error error error error error
  • Enter Your Message.
  • error error error error error

The personal information you have provided is handled in the following way by NOMURA Co., Ltd..

1. Purpose of using personal information

Your personal information is only used to respond to the inquiry you have made.

2. Third-party provision and outsourcing of personal information

NOMURA does not provide your personal information to third parties without your prior consent.
Some tasks associated with management of personal information are outsourced to outside business partners with which we have concluded confidentiality agreements.

3. Voluntary nature of providing personal information

You may always choose what personal information, if any, you wish to provide us. If some personal information is missing, however, NOMURA may not be able to properly respond to your inquiry.

4. Joint use of personal information

Your personal information may be shared within the NOMURA Group.

5. Right to request disclosure, etc., request consultations, and lodge complaints regarding personal

Regarding the personal information you have provided to NOMURA, you have the right to request its disclosure, correction, deletion, cessation of use, and cessation of provision to third parties, and to lodge complaints and request consultations about the handling of your personal information. Please contact the following department if you wish to exercise these rights.

6. How to make inquiries related to personal information
  • Inquiries related to personal information are handled under the responsibility of the following person.
    Please select 'others' for the Subject in the form below and make your inquiry.

  • Personal Information Protection Manager
    NOMURA has a designated Personal Information Protection Manager who protects and manages personal information.
    General Manager of Business Management Headquarters / Telephone: 03-5962-1171

Review your information after agreeing to the above.